Comprehensive manufacturing services – what do we offer?
To help our customers bring their projects to life, we offer:
- Extensive experience in the production of natural herbal medicines, dietary supplements, and herbal cosmetics.
- A modern manufacturing facility equipped in accordance with ISO/HACCP standards.
- A team of highly qualified experts in the field of development and production technology.
Our customers include pharmaceutical companies, pharmacy chains, distribution, and marketing companies that identify us as a reliable and successful partner, having completed dozens of projects.

In addition to our own brands, Cydonia also offers our valued business partners the opportunity to develop their brand, providing you with top-quality products. We take pride in delivering the best service in product development by adopting your brands as our own.
As part of contract manufacturing, Cydonia provides the following services:
- Development of new product formulations
- A wide range of processing steps related to the production of finished products
- Manufacturing and packaging of capsules in blisters or plastic bottles
- Manufacturing and packaging of suppositories and pessaries
- Manufacturing and packaging of semi-solid pharmaceutical formulations
- Consulting on any issues related to registration, production, and distribution.
We guarantee
The final product is a high-quality offering with a fixed base price, allowing you to fully focus on its promotion. Let’s come together and discuss in detail what we can do for you.
Complete manufacturing and branding service
From the development of new formulations to the final product, we provide full support throughout the manufacturing process. Our expertise and cutting-edge technology allow you to elevate your brand, ensuring the quality you deserve.
Fast and flexible order processing
We understand the importance of speed in business. Our team ensures the quick execution of your orders, with maximum flexibility to tailor the manufacturing processes to your specific needs.
Competitiveness and top quality standards
We take pride in offering competitive prices without compromising on quality. Our manufacturing facility, equipped to the highest standards, enables you to stay ahead of the competition in the market.
Cydonia pored vlastitih brendova, također daje našim vrijednim poslovnim partnerima priliku da razviju svoj brend, nudeći vam vrhunsku kvalitetu. Ponosni smo što pružamo najbolju uslugu u izradi proizvoda usvajajući vaše brendove kao naše vlastite brendove.
Uslužna proizvodnja – šta nudimo
Da bismo pomogli našim kupcima da svoje projekte pretoče u stvarnost, nudimo:
- veliko iskustvo u proizvodnji prirodnih biljnih lijekova, dodataka ishrani i biljne kozmetike
- moderni proizvodni pogon opremljen u skladu sa ISO / HACCP standardima
- tim visokokvalificiranih stručnjaka na polju razvoja i tehnologije proizvodnje
Naši kupci su farmaceutske kompanije, apotekarski lanci, distribucijske i marketinške kompanije koje nas identificiraju kao pouzdanog i uspješnog partnera koji je izveo na desetine projekata.
Kao dio proizvodnje ugovora, Cydonia pruža sljedeće usluge:
- razvoj nove formulacije proizvoda
- širok spektar koraka obrade koji se odnose na proizvodnju gotovog proizvoda
- proizvodnju i pakovanje kapsula u blistere ili plastične boce
- proizvodnju i pakiranje supozitorija i vagitorija
- proizvodnju i pakiranje polučvrstih farmaceutskih formulacija
- savjetovanje o bilo kakvim pitanjima vezanim za registraciju, proizvodnju i distribuciju

- vrhunska ugovorna izrada proizvoda
- brza obrada narudžbi
- konkurentne cijene
- fleksibilnost u odlučivanju
- ispunjenje naloga od formulacije ideje do prevođenja u gotov proizvod
Finalni produkt je visokokvalitetni proizvod sa fiksnom osnovnom cijenom i Vi se možete u potpunosti usredotočiti na njegovu promociju.
Dođite zajedno i detaljno razgovarajmo o tome šta možemo učiniti za vas.